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Eidolon Trailer

A friendly note from your resident game dev! The Eidolon trailer is now ready. (Yay!) Please view it below! I'm planning to launch when I...

Who and What is Conscious?

"Cognito ergo sum," or "I think therefore I am" was written by Decartes. Which is to say that the one thing one knows for real (even if...

Turing Tests

A Turing test is a test created by Alan Turing. The test is designed to test computational abilities. The idea behind the test is that...

Trips I Wanna Go On!

Okay, so there's no trip that I don't wanna go on, so I'm already kind of lying with the title. But stick with me and I'll at least give...

Romantic Date Ideas

There are a lot of great ways to spend time with that special someone! These are some things I'd love to do with someone I'm in love...

Tips for Success

Hard work doesn't guarantee success (although it does make it more likely!). Here are some other ways to make it more likely that your...

Sustainable Choices

There's more to being a good citizen of Planet Earth than reducing, reusing and recycling (although that's also a great start!) Also...

Join Alpha Beta Gamma!

Do you like sisterhood! Do you like fun! Do you like drinking? If you like any of the above, rush Alpha Beta Gamma! We're the best! We're...

Introduction to Eidolon

Welcome to Eidolon University! Let me introduce myself. I'm the university councilor, Sophia. My goal is to make your stay here as...

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